Faculty, Staff & Students


Maya Magarati, PhD (Indigenous Nepali)

Preceptor, LUNA Program

Dr. Maya Magarati is an affiliate faculty with the University of Washington (UW) department of sociology, and a research scientist with the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, and Seven Directions: A Center for Indigenous Public Health. She currently leads CDC/NNPHI-funded “Opioid Overdose Prevention in Tribes” project at Seven Directions. Maya has spent her last 10 years conducting culture-centered research, evaluation and technical assistance projects around alcohol, opioid, mental health, non-communicable diseases and environmental health in Indian Country including Tribal Colleges and Universities. She received M.A. in sociology under Fulbright program followed by Ph.D. in sociology from UW and B.H.Sc. in nutrition & dietetics in Australia. She is indigenous Magar from Nepal’s himalaya.