Projects & Programs
Measurement of Major Stressful Events Over Life Courses
The study addressed problems of conceptualization and measurement of major stressful events in order to develop reliable and valid measures of objective general and specific characteristics of major, stressful life events over the life course. Our role on this grant was to oversee the American Indian Vietnam Veterans rating and coding of life events. More...
CBPR with Tribal Colleges-Universities: Alcohol Problems-Solutions More Info
This research project conducted the first study of alcohol related problems at TCU and is the preliminary research needed to develop culturally appropriate and sustainable alcohol interventions at Northwest Indian College (NWIC) and other tribal colleges in the U.S. by using a community-based participatory research approach.
A Community Approach to Enhancing Adolescent Health among Rural American Indians
The goal of this one-year study is to assess community readiness and obtain preliminary data to inform the development of a sexual and mental health program for AIAN adolescents. Readiness is the degree to which a community has the capacity and is prepared to take action on an issue and consists of six dimensions that...
Sacred Journey 2 – Cognitive Processing Intervention for HIV/STI & Substance Use among Native Women
This is a 3-year randomized control trial to pilot culturally adapted Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The trial will focus on the PTSD symptoms, substance use and high risk sexual behavior as the primary outcomes.
ETHICS: Ethics Training for Health in Indigenous Communities Study
ETHICS aims to help ensure tribal community researchers have all the tools necessary to conduct ethical research, and includes a national tribal cultural adaptation of the CITI human subjects training that is relevant and makes sense in the settings in which they work.
Sacred Journey 1: Young Native Women’s Wellness Study
This formative descriptive study provided information in the design of a strength-enhancing culturally-relevant intervention to strengthen protective factors and reduce risk for substance use, ongoing or new traumatic episodes, and HIV/STIs among Native women ages 15 – 35.
Yappalli: Choctaw Road to Health
This is a 5-year project to refine and test the efficacy of Yappalli Choctaw Road to Health, a culturally- focused, strengths-based outdoor experiential obesity-AOD risk prevention and health leadership program targeting at-risk adult Choctaw women (N=150) across 5 regions of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Tribal Colleges and Universities Behavior Wellness Project
This project was one of two projects under the Creating Campus Change umbrella. This was the first-ever epidemiological study of drug, alcohol and other substance abuse at TCUs. Results of this study will provide quantitative, empirical evidence to buttress heretofore anecdotal narratives, as well as provide direction to future pilot intervention programs to combat drug,...
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