Indigenous Wellness Research Institute


August 22, 2017


Welcome Tribal College & University Community! Welcome to the online community forum. Please follow along through these pages join the conversation. BASICS Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students We hope these posters help us think about drinking in a new way.

July 26, 2017


HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics The Fordham University HIV Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute has compiled a number of continuously updated public resources in HIV prevention and drug use research ethics for RETI trainees, researchers, students, faculty and teachers, as well as the general public. Click Here For More Information   Research Ethics…

Research Team

Research Associate Professor Cynthia R. Pearson is the Associate Director of the Research Core and Director of the Methods Core at the Interdisciplinary Indigenous Wellness Research Institute (IWRI), where she collaborates with Indigenous scholars in the development of research policies and directs iterative data analysis on historical and cultural determinants of physical and mental health…

July 6, 2017

Who is Eligible?

Potential trainee candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria: (1) self-identify as an American Indian, Alaska Native, First Nation, Inuit, Metis, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander, or as an Indigenous person from the US or US territories or North America, including Canada or Mexico (e.g., Yaqui); OR self-identify as belonging to a socioeconomic or rural…

Program Significance

The significance of the Lauhoe program lies in its developing Native research expertise, which will contribute to advancing HIV-related research careers of Indigenous students as well as science in the areas of health disparities via training in: (a) innovative culturally grounded theory and models; (b) the design of culturally derived and community-based basic and applied…

Program Overview

The IHART² program will provide a 24-month HIV/AIDS mentoring program to 15 (3-5 per year) qualified postdoctoral through mid-career scholars primarily from Indigenous populations (AIAN, NHPI, and Latino Indigenous) as well as UREM or non-Native scholars from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are currently conducting research with AIAN and NHPI populations. Program Benefits By…

April 18, 2017

Program Overview

Māhina International Indigenous Health Research Training Program Offers A 10-week intensive international summer research training program consisting of: Two week orientation in Seattle, WA and Honolulu, HI where trainees will learn about the social, cultural, and historical determinants of health and health disparities. Trainees will also engage with local indigenous leaders and will be immersed…

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