Advisory Members
ETHICS - Community Panel
The community panel consists of AIAN community members who have partnered with academic institutions on NIH-funded research grants.
CeCe Big Crow (Oglala Lakota)
Board Secretary, The Visions of SuAnne Big Crow, Inc.
Brenda Dial Deese, PhD (Lumbee Tribe)
Project Site Coordinator, Intertribal Talking Circle for the Prevention of Substance Abuse in Native Youth
Amanda Gaston, MAT (Zuni Pueblo)
Project Manager for Native It’s Your Game, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Vanessa Hiratsuka, PHD, MPH
Senior Researcher, Southcentral Foundation
Lynnette Jordan (Ojibwe & Colville)
Interim Director of Operations and Director of Family Services, United Indians of All Tribes Foundation
Billie Jo Kipp, PhD
Associate Director, Research and Evaluation, Center for Native American Youth at the Aspen Institute
Travis L. Lane (Navajo/Southern Ute)
Assistant Director, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.
Beverly Patchell, PhD, APRN, CNS, PMH-BC (Cherokee/Creek)
Past President, National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association
Assistant Professor (Retired), University of Utah College of Nursing
Antony Stately, PhD (Ojibwe/Oneida)
CEO, Native American Community Clinic
Sandra Stroud (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Project Director, Yappalli
Emily White Hat, JD (Sicangu Lakota/ Rosebud Sioux Tribe)
Project Evaluator, Sanford Research/USD (Sioux Falls, SD)
ETHICS – Academic Panel
The Academic Panel consists of AIAN scholars and Allies who have conducted NIH-funded research with AIAN communities
Jyoti Angal, MPH, CIP
Director, Regulatory Knowledge Core within the Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Ronny A. Bell, PhD, MS
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, Forest School of Medicine
Director, Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, Forest School of Medicine
Jada L. Brooks, PhD, MSPH, RN (Lumbee)
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Daniel Dickerson, DO, MPH, (Inupiaq)
Associate Research Psychiatrist, UCLA, Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
Rodney C. Haring, PhD, MSW
Research Faculty, Roswell Park Cancer Institute in the Office of Cancer Health Disparities Research, Cancer Prevention, and Population Sciences
Scarlett Hopkins, RN, MA
Community Engagement & Clinical Support Core Director, Center for Alaska Native Health research
Research Associate, Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
Lee Anne Nichols PhD, RN (Cherokee)
Associate Professor, University of Tulsa Health Science Center School of Nursing
Tassy Parker, PhD, RN
Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Associate Professor of Nursing, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Irene Vernon, PhD (Mescalero Apache/Yaqui/Mexicana descent)
Professor and Chair, Department of Ethnic Studies (retired), Colorado State University
Melissa L. Walls PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Director, Great Lakes Hub for the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
IHART2 - Scientific Community Leadership Council
The IHART2 Scientific and Community Leadership Council (SCLC) guides the scientific and cultural curriculum, sets an intellectual standard, and creates a reciprocal learning culture for the Lauhoe program. Members of the SCLC meet twice per year (once in person and once via teleconference) to review the overall Lauhoe program, not only in relation to scientific and training activities, but also in relation to advancing knowledge that is culturally relevant and accessible to communities, public policy makers and governmental officials. The SCLC also makes recommendations to the Administrative Core regarding program activities.
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Geri Donenberg, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Co-Vice Chair of Research, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science and the Healthy Youths Program, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
J. Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Lana Kaʻopua, PhD
Associate Professor , Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work University of Hawaii at Manoa
Carol Kaufman, PhD
Associate Professor, Community & Behavioral Health, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver
Spero Manson, PhD (Pembina Chippewa)
Distinguished Professor, Community and Behavioral Health, University of Colorado Denver
Director, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health Colorado School of Public Health University of Colorado Denver
Renee Masching, MSW (First Nations Canada)
Director of Research & Policy, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Tooru Nemoto, PhD
Research Program Director , Public Health Institute
Steven Safren, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology University of Miami
Jane Simoni, PhD
Director, NIH, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
David Takeuchi, PhD
Professor and Dorothy Book Scholar, School of Social Work Boston College
Irene Vernon, PhD (Mescalero Apache/Yaqui/Mexicana descent)
Professor and Chair, Department of Ethnic Studies (retired), Colorado State University
Frank Wong, PhD
Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences/Health Education Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
IHART2- Native Community Advisory Expert Panel
Members of the IHART2 Native Community Advisory Expert Panel (NCAEP) review the overall Lauhoe curriculum in relation to advancing knowledge that is culturally relevant and accessible to communities and tribes. The NCAEP makes recommendations regarding the program’s cultural mentorship activities and training curricula and ensures that the Lauhoe program remains responsive to pressing Native community needs. The NCAEP provides cultural leadership, mentorship, and guidance on the research training curriculum and Lauhoe cultural mentorship protocols; identifies tribally and community-based topics for research in partnership with tribes and Native communities; provides feedback on developing tribally-based research protocols for inclusion in IHART2 trainings; and provides general feedback on Lauhoe protocols and procedures. Additionally, when desired, they may provide cultural mentorship or consultation to trainees.
Tom Ball, PhD (Modoc/Klamath)
Research Coordinator, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Stephanie Craig Rushing
Director, Project Red Talon Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB)
Fransing Daisy, PhD (Cree)
Coordinator, American Indian/Alaska Native Programs Northwest AIDS Education and Training Center
Sharon Day (Boise Fort Ojibwe)
Executive Director , Indigenous Peoples Task Force (IPTF)
Tiny Devlin (Athabascan)
Elder and HIV/AIDS Educator , (retired)
Melvin Harrison (Navajo/Dine)
Founder and Executive Director, Navajo AIDS Network
Ashliana Hawelu-Fulgoni
Co-founder and Executive Director, Kulia Na Mamo
Hamen Ides, (Lummi)
Founder and Executive Director, Ti-Chee Native AIDS Prevention
Cathy Kiana Keiko Kapua
HIV Prevention Specialist, Life Foundation
Sarah Kastelic (Alutiiq)
Chief of Staff, National Indian Child Welfare Association
Elton Naswood (Navajo/Diné)
Project Coordinator, Red Circle Project, AIDS Project Los Angeles
Member, Community Advisory Council for the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Harlan Pruden (First Nations Cree)
Managing Editor,
Antony Stately, PhD (Ojibwe/Oneida)
CEO, Native American Community Clinic
Sandra Stroud (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Project Director, Yappalli
Lisa Tiger (Muscogee Nation)
Activist and Native leader in AIDS education,
Patsy Whitefoot, MA (Yakama/Diné)
Palatisha Miyanashma Indian Education, Toppenish School District Toppenish, Washington
INSPIRE - Executive Committee
Tessa Evans-Campbell, PhD (Snohomish)
Executive Co-Director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Charles O. Cressey Endowed Associate Prof., School of Social Work, University of Washington
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
E. Roberto Orellana, PhD
Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Director, LUNA Program
Affiliated Faculty, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
PhD Program Director, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Cynthia R. Pearson, PhD
Director of Research, IWRI
Research Professor, School of Social Work, Univeristy of Washington
Judith Tsui, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Washington
Denise Walker, PhD
Research Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
INSPIRE - Native Expert Community Advisory Panel
Danica Brown, PhD, MSW (Choctaw)
Behavioral Health Manager, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Pilot Project, Every Day is Ceremony: Accessing Traditional Indigenous Knowledge to Heal Trauma and Improve Health and Wellbeing in Tribal Communities
Primary mentor, Melissa Walls, PhD, Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Fransing Daisy, PhD (Cree)
Coordinator, American Indian/Alaska Native Programs Northwest AIDS Education and Training Center
Sharon Day (Boise Fort Ojibwe)
Executive Director , Indigenous Peoples Task Force (IPTF)
Hamen Ides, (Lummi)
Founder and Executive Director, Ti-Chee Native AIDS Prevention
Antony Stately, PhD (Ojibwe/Oneida)
CEO, Native American Community Clinic
Sandra Stroud (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Project Director, Yappalli
INSPIRE - Scientific and Community Leadership Council
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Denise A. Dillard, PhD
Director of Research, Southcentral Foundation
, Native-CHART, Washington State University
Geri Donenberg, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Co-Vice Chair of Research, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science and the Healthy Youths Program, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Bonnie Duran, DrPH (Opelousas/Coushatta)
Director, IWRI Center for Indigenous Health Research (ret'd)
Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington (ret'd)
Tommi Gaines, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease and Global Public Health, University of California San Diego
Lonnie Nelson, PhD
Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Washington State University
Douglas Novins, MD
Professor, Psychiatry-NATP, School of Medicine, University of Colorado
Scott Okamoto PH.D., MSW
Professor, School of Social Work, Hawai'i Pacific University
Myra Parker, JD, PhD (Mandan & Hidatsa)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Director, Seven Directions, Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors
Randall C. Swaim, PhD
Research Scientist, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University
Kamilla Venner, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychology, University of New Mexico
Melissa L. Walls PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Director, Great Lakes Hub for the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
INSPIRE - Scientific Mentor Network
Ramona Beltrán, PhD, MSW (Chicana, Indigenous Mexican descent)
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
Peter Mataira, PhD (Maori)
MSW Program Director and Associate Professor, Hawai'i Pacific University College of Health and Society - School of Social Work
ISMART-Scientific Mentor Network
Ramona Beltrán, PhD, MSW (Chicana, Indigenous Mexican descent)
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
Tessa Evans-Campbell, PhD (Snohomish)
Executive Co-Director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Charles O. Cressey Endowed Associate Prof., School of Social Work, University of Washington
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
Jane Simoni, PhD
Director, NIH, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Melissa L. Walls PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Director, Great Lakes Hub for the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Karina L. Walters, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Director, NIH Tribal Health Research Office (THRO)
Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Itza - Advisory Committee
Karina L. Walters, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Director, NIH Tribal Health Research Office (THRO)
Itza - Scientific Community Leadership Council
The Itzá (IHART3) Scientific and Community Leadership Council (SCLC) guides the scientific and cultural curriculum, sets an intellectual standard, and creates a reciprocal learning culture for the Lauhoe program. Members of the SCLC meet twice per year (once in person and once via teleconference) to review the overall Itzá program, not only in relation to scientific and training activities, but also in relation to advancing knowledge that is culturally relevant and accessible to communities, public policy makers and governmental officials. The SCLC also makes recommendations to the Administrative Core regarding program activities.
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Ramona Beltrán, PhD, MSW (Chicana, Indigenous Mexican descent)
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
Geri Donenberg, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Co-Vice Chair of Research, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science and the Healthy Youths Program, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Hamen Ides, (Lummi)
Founder and Executive Director, Ti-Chee Native AIDS Prevention
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
Joseph Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Lana Kaʻopua, PhD
Associate Professor , Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work University of Hawaii at Manoa
Tooru Nemoto, PhD
Research Program Director , Public Health Institute
Melissa L. Walls PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Director, Great Lakes Hub for the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Frank Wong, PhD
Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences/Health Education Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Itza - Scientific Mentor Network
The Scientific Mentor Network mentors are on stand-by to be matched as mentors to IHART3-Itza Fellows and to participate in the summer institute on an as-needed basis. The six SMN mentors listed here are experienced, biomedical, behavioral, and social scientists with expertise in health and/or health disparities and who have extensive mentorship or leadership experience in Indigenous communities.
Tommi Gaines, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease and Global Public Health, University of California San Diego
Carol Kaufman, PhD
Associate Professor, Community & Behavioral Health, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver
Renee Masching, MSW (First Nations Canada)
Director of Research & Policy, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Steven Safren, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology University of Miami
Itza- Native Community Advisory Expert Panel
Members of the Itzá (IHART3) Native Community Advisory Expert Panel (NCAEP) review the overall Lauhoe curriculum in relation to advancing knowledge that is culturally relevant and accessible to communities and tribes. The NCAEP makes recommendations regarding the program’s cultural mentorship activities and training curricula and ensures that the Itzá program remains responsive to pressing Native community needs. The NCAEP provides cultural leadership, mentorship, and guidance on the research training curriculum and Itzá cultural mentorship protocols; identifies tribally and community-based topics for research in partnership with tribes and Native communities; provides feedback on developing tribally-based research protocols for inclusion in Itzá trainings, and provides general feedback on Itzá protocols and procedures. Additionally, when desired, they may provide cultural mentorship or consultation to trainees.
Fransing Daisy, PhD (Cree)
Coordinator, American Indian/Alaska Native Programs Northwest AIDS Education and Training Center
Sharon Day (Boise Fort Ojibwe)
Executive Director , Indigenous Peoples Task Force (IPTF)
Melvin Harrison (Navajo/Dine)
Founder and Executive Director, Navajo AIDS Network
Ashliana Hawelu-Fulgoni
Co-founder and Executive Director, Kulia Na Mamo
Cathy Kiana Keiko Kapua
HIV Prevention Specialist, Life Foundation
Elton Naswood (Navajo/Diné)
Project Coordinator, Red Circle Project, AIDS Project Los Angeles
Member, Community Advisory Council for the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Harlan Pruden (First Nations Cree)
Managing Editor,
Antony Stately, PhD (Ojibwe/Oneida)
CEO, Native American Community Clinic
Sandra Stroud (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Project Director, Yappalli
Lisa Tiger (Muscogee Nation)
Activist and Native leader in AIDS education,
LUNA - Advisory Committee
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Magaly Blas, MD, PhD
Affiliate Associate Professor, Global Health, School of Public Heath, University of Washington
Médico Epidemióloga, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Maria J. Brunette, PH.D.
Associate Professor, School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University
Pamela Collins, MD
Professor, Global Health, University of Washington
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Deepa Rao, PhD
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Global Health, University of Washington
Jane Simoni, PhD
Director, NIH, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Claire Townsend Ing, MPH, DrPH
Assistant Professor, Department of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine, UH Manoa
LUNA - Executive Committee
Bonnie Duran, DrPH (Opelousas/Coushatta)
Director, IWRI Center for Indigenous Health Research (ret'd)
Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington (ret'd)
Tessa Evans-Campbell, PhD (Snohomish)
Executive Co-Director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Charles O. Cressey Endowed Associate Prof., School of Social Work, University of Washington
J. Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Biraj Karmacharya Ph.D.
Regional Partnerships Director & Chief Department of Community Programs, Dhulikhel Hospital-Kathmandu University Hospital
Preceptor, LUNA Program
Maya Magarati, PhD (Indigenous Nepali)
Preceptor, LUNA Program
E. Roberto Orellana, PhD
Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Director, LUNA Program
Affiliated Faculty, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
PhD Program Director, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Cynthia R. Pearson, PhD
Director of Research, IWRI
Research Professor, School of Social Work, Univeristy of Washington
Mike Spencer, PhD, MSW (Native Hawaiian)
Director of Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Oceanic Affairs, IWRI
Presidental Term Professor, Univeristy of Washington School of Social Work
Dean, Univeristy of Washington School of Social Work
Karina L. Walters, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Director, NIH Tribal Health Research Office (THRO)
LUNA - Scientific Mentor Network
Pablo Montoya Chica, MPH, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Global Health, University of Washington
Director, Sinergias, - Alianzas Estratégicas para la Salud y el Desarrollo Social
Andrea Hermosura, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine, UH Manoa
Psychologist, Paradigm Hawaii Counseling, Kailua, HI
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
Rachel Novotny PhD, RDN, LD
Professor & Director, Children’s Healthy Living Center of Excellence, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Mahina - Advisory Committee
The AC and ICAP guides the scientific and cultural curriculum, sets an intellectual standard, and creates a reciprocal learning culture for the Māhina program.
Julie Baldwin, PhD
Regents' Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Director, Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Northern Arizona University
Cherryl Waerea-i-te-rangi Smith, PhD (Ngati Apa, Whanganui, Te Aitanga a Hauiti)
Director, Te Atawhai o te Ao
Malia Villegas, PhD (Alutiiq/Sugpiaq)
Vice President, Community Investments, Afognak Native Corporation
Mahina - Indigenous Committee Advisory Panel
The ICAP provides cultural leadership, mentorship, and guidance on the research training curriculum and cultural mentorship protocols; identify community-based pressing topics for research in partnership with tribes and Native communities; provide feedback on developing tribally-based research protocols for inclusion in Māhina trainings
Joseph Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair of Native Hawaiian Health, John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Patsy Whitefoot, MA (Yakama/Diné)
Palatisha Miyanashma Indian Education, Toppenish School District Toppenish, Washington
Mahina-Scientific Mentor Network
The Mahina Scientific Mentor Network is a group of experienced, biomedical, behavioral, and social scientists with expertise in health and/or health disparities and who have extensive mentorship or leadership experience in Indigenous communities. In addition to the mentors listed below, the PIs as well as members of the Advisory Committee and Indigenous Committee Advisory Panel can also serve as mentors to trainees.
Megan Bang, PhD (Ojibwe)
Professor, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University
Alison Boyd-Ball, PhD (Colville Tribe)
Director, Health and Human Services, Colville Confederated Tribes
Rose James, PhD (Lummi Tribe/Duwamish)
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
Principal Owner, Cedar Rose Consulting, L.L.C.
Michelle Johnson-Jennings, PhD (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma)
Executive Co-director, Indigenous Wellness Research Institute
Professor, University of Washington School of Social Work
Director, Environmentally based Health & Land-based Healing, IWRI
Nancy Krieger, PhD
Professor of Social Epidemiology, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Harvard University
Maya Magarati, PhD (Indigenous Nepali)
Preceptor, LUNA Program
Selina Mohammed, PhD
Professor, University of Washington Bothell, School of Nursing & Health Studies
Myra Parker, JD, PhD (Mandan & Hidatsa)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Director, Seven Directions, Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors
Cynthia R. Pearson, PhD
Director of Research, IWRI
Research Professor, School of Social Work, Univeristy of Washington
Leonie Pihama, PhD (Te ātiawa, Ngāti Māhanga, Ngā Māhanga ā Tairi)
Senior Research Fellow, Te Kātahi Institute, University of Waikato
Director, Māori And Indigenous Analysis Ltd, a Kaupapa Māori research company
Jane Simoni, PhD
Director, NIH, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Melissa L. Walls PhD (Bois Forte and Couchiching First Nations Anishinabe)
Director, Great Lakes Hub for the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health
Associate Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.